Friday, September 4, 2015

  1. Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
    That saved a wretch like me!
    I once was lost, but now am found;
    Was blind, but now I see. 

One of my favorite Bible characters is David.  His shortcomings and failures are shocking, yet he is nicknamed, 'a man after God's own heart'.  Curious, isn't it?   David transparently spilled out his fears, doubts, complaints, and imperfections for all to read.  His fame and victories are recorded by other authors but David uses his words to bare the insecurities of a broken heart before His Father.  If David mentions successes, it's only to give His Father all the glory.  That's the heart that captivates the heart of God.  David let God into all the closets of his heart- no masks, pretenses or make-believe.

As I grow older in the Lord I sometimes think that I should have things more together than  I do.  Like David, it's shocking when I am faced with my own doubts, fears, sins and failures.  My natural inclination is to keep my imperfections fortified within the walls of a closed heart. It may feel better; however, it deprives me of real relationship with God and others.

Recently, I met a modern day David to remind me of the heart that God would desire me to have.  This young David freely shared the imperfections and failures of his life with our small group.  The door of his heart was wide open for all to see.  I was inspired by his vulnerability and courage.  Much greater than the failure he was telling us about, I saw an example of a heart in love with the Father; desiring to obey Him. He was 'a man after God's own heart'

In the Psalms, David sings more about his struggles than his successes. His boast is only in the Lord.  He trusts in God and God alone.  Struggles can bring us to that truth if we don't hide them in the closet.  They can remind us that there is nothing good in us apart from God.  Struggles can give us opportunity to be vulnerable with God and others. That's the heart God desires.  Lord, thank you for the Davids' in my life to remind me that the struggles are more important than the successes.  Create in me a heart that is after yours.

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me."