Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Favorite Things

'Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things'

Hmmmm.... What are some of my favorite things?

Towering thunderheads and lightning
Vivid sunsets, rainbows and spring flowers
Rain on a tin roof (in Guatemala)
Colorado -Majestic peaks, aspens in the wind, mountain streams, and the smell of pine trees and campfires
Walks around Lake Zorinsky and the Wabash Trace
Summer art fairs and concerts
Heart to heart chats with friends
Fun times with family
Orange, red and yellow leaves in October and crunchy leaves in November
Christmas- shopping malls, wrapped presents, tree and light displays, pageants and carols
Sitting next to a sunny window in winter
Snow days (yes, teachers love them too!) 
Canadian geese flying north and melting snow
Bald eagles and pelicans on Lake Manawa in early spring
Teachable, 'Aha' moments
Children's giggles and unconditional love
Starbuck's iced teas, Zio's chicken pesto pizza, chewy chocolate chip cookies
Music that touches the spirit- Misty Edwards, Rita Springer, Julie Meyers, Kathy Troccoli
Impromptu weekend road trips.
Hot air balloon night glows
Thinking about Heaven

What are your favorite things?

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