Wednesday, July 15, 2015

I haven't gone camping for quite some time but love taking day trips to nearby lakes and surround myself with the camping atmosphere.  Tents are the 'home away from home' dwellings that allow us  to enjoy the joy of creation, friends and family.

Tents are important to a camping trip and do need our attention if there are rips, holes or leaks. However the camping trip is not about the tent. It would be silly to spend time obsessing about a tent and miss out on hikes, campfires, and other experiences.

2 Corinthians 5:4 compares our earthly bodies to tents and reminds us that while we are on this side of heaven there will be groanings and burdens.  It's not a promise that we like to meditate on but it's one that we all experience.

 In the season I am in, I have had to give more attention to the holes and rips in my tent than I would like.  It's hard to keep my tent from becoming my focus and identity. Doctors and nurses talk about my tent.  The people I love and who love me are concerned about my tent.  I wake up each morning to the reality that my tent has holes in it.  But it's just the tent.  It's what the real me is housed in for this flash in time.

 The end of the 2 Corinthians verse talks about the promise of our eternal home- a permanent home without holes and rips that has an all loving Father.  We can only imagine and then it will still come far short of what is being prepared for us.  Thank you Jesus!

So for this flash of time in my tent,  I choose to enjoy the Creator. my friends, family and take the opportunities He gives me here to live life for Him.  I won't neglect my tent, but it won't be my focus.  It's not the real me.

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